Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Quiz about JE :)

song : rock you - arashi

nah, kebetulan yang dibawah pertanyaan yang kebetulan nemu ditumblr. Karena gw rasa menarik, jadi iseng-iseng gw isi aja ^^ ehehhe

nah, ini dia pertanyaan yang berhasil gw jawab.
Dozo !!

Who’s your favorite idol in the Johnny’s Entertainment?
Ohno satoshi !!! XD
Karena pipi buletnya pengen banget minta ditoyol ama dimakan(?)

Your favorite group?

Your favorite pairing (or trio)? (i.e. akame, tegomass, ryopi, etc)
Sakuraiba ! Karena kalau Sho ama Aiba udah bersatu pasti mereka bakal jadi baka pair.
Your favorite show in which a JE band is the host?
Arashi no Shikudaikun, DnA, GnA, Mago-mago Arashi... sayang, udah tamat T^T
Arashi ni Shiyagare, HnA, VS Arashi.

Your favorite song?
Arashi - Monster, Fight Song, Right Back To You, Summer Splash !.
NEWS - Fighting Man.

Your favorite DVD?
AAA 2008. gara-gara ada Naruse yang nari-nari :D
5x10 universarry, langsung teriak ala fans-girl ngeliat mereka muncul dengan gelayutan -.-"

Other (only one answer; you can explain your answer):

The JE idol you want to meet the most?
Ohno Satoshi ama Aiba Masaki :3

Who’s the sexiest?
Ohno Satoshi pas jadi Naruse-sama. 

Who’s the cutest?
Masaki Aiba kalau ide bakanya udah muncul
n Sho Sakurai kalau udah gabung ama Aiba.

The one you know you will have a good conversation with? (or the one you seem to have the most in common)
Sho Sakurai.
Soalnya cuma dia doang yang bisa bahasa inggris plus enak banget diajak ngobrol ^^
(padahal, bahasa ing gw aja masih gak bener.. -.-" )

The one that is making you laugh the most?
Ohno Satoshi, setiap kali ngeliat wajahnya entah kenapa selaluu pengen ketawa.
Aiba Masaki, ketawa ngakak kalo bakat baka(?)nya muncul XD

The one you want to see crying?
Matsumoto Jun, Ninomiya Kazunari, Ohno Satoshi.
soalnya jarang banget ngeliat mereka bertiga nangis. Ato jangan-jangan cuma gw doang yang belum pernah liat mereka nangis -.-"

The one you will do anything just to shake his hand or take a picture with?
Ohno Satoshi, Aiba Masaki
soalnya, gw yakin pasti gaya mereka berdua bakal kocak banget :D

The group you have the more pictures on your computer?
kadang arashi.
Kadang Ohno Satoshi
Kadang sakuraiba.

You really want to be __s’ sister.
Ohno Satoshi !!
bahagia jadi adiknya gara-gara pasti bisa gambar bareng n mancing bareng.
plus, gak perlu takut kalo mati lampu ato ketempat gelap. pasti arashi-fans pada taukan kenapa~

The group that have the best member-ai?
arashi~ arashi~ for dream

The band who’s closer to their fans?
kalo dari gw ya tentunya arashi..
soalnya mereka rela konser dikokuritsu 3 hari berturut-turut demi fansnya -.-

Which JE idol have the greatest clothing taste?
Kalo dari penglihatan gw kayaknya Nino ato Aiba.
Tapi sayangnya pas diHnA special yang buat baju-baju, malahan yg menang selalu Satoshi ama Sho.

The boy you want to see in an An An photoshoot?
Ohno Satoshi...
AIba Masaki...
Sho sakurai...
Mimisan dah pas ngeliat mereka pas ngefoto.

You’ve read on Internet that your favorite group may come to your country for a photoshoot soon. You?
Bakal nge-scream n bakal nyari mereka bakal dateng kemana aja XDD
rasanya udah kayak stealker.

You’re still in Japan and you’re walking on the street, just having fun by yourself. Then you bump into someone and fall on the ground. As you look up, you see that it’s the one and only Kamenashi. Your first reaction__
gak tau pengen reaksi apa -.-
Tapi kayaknya gw bakal bilang " Ohno Satoshi gimana kabarnya ?? "
gomen ya.. yang buat fansnya kame... m(_ _)m

Your trip is over, and you have to come back to your country. As you’re heading to your seat on the plane, you see Kamenashi and Yamapi sitting right next to your seat. Your first reaction_
Bakal bilang, " eh.. ketemu lagi... Arashi ngikut ama kalian gak ? "
sekali lagi, gomen ya fans kame n yamapi.. m(_ _)m

TOP 5! (1 being your favorite, 5 your least favorite)

Top 5 Groups!
1) Arashi... tetap arashi...
2) -
3) -
4) -
5) -
Top 5 Idols!
1) Ohno Satsohi
2) Aiba Masaki
3) Sho Sakurai
4) Ninomiya Kazunari
5) Matsumoto Jun
Top 5 Songs!
1) ARASHI - Monster
2) ARASHI - Truth
3) ARASHI - Kitto Daijoubu
4) ARASHI - Right Back to you
5) Ohno Satoshi ( solo ) - Kumori Nochi, Kaisei

mood :

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